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What is 5000 vBuck in EUR?

Convert 5000 VBUCK to 0.297141 EUR. Live 5000 VBUCK to EUR converter & historical V-BUCKS to Euro price chart.

How much is a V-Buck in Fortnite?

Fortnite V-Bucks to EUR calculator with custom exchange rate option. 1 V-Buck is worth €0.00899. Note that this calculator doesn’t include bonus V-Bucks you get when you buy bulk V-Bucks at a time. multiply V-Bucks by conversion rate, then round to 2 decimals. V-Bucks To USD | V-Bucks To EUR | V-Bucks To GBP

How many V-bucks can you buy in Fortnite?

Buy 5,000 Fortnite V-Bucks, the in-game currency that can be spent in Fortnite. You can purchase new customization items in the Shop for Fortnite Battle Royale, LEGO® Fortnite, Fortnite Festival or Rocket Racing, as well as additional content like this season's Battle Pass!

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